Thank you for considering submitting your manuscript to the International Journal of Advanced Engineering Application (IJAEA). Please carefully review the following guidelines to ensure that your submission meets the requirements for publication:
Manuscript Preparation:
1. Originality: Submissions must be original work that has not been previously published and is not
under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. Formatting: Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journals formatting guidelines.
Please refer to the template provided on our website for formatting instructions.
3. Length: There is no strict limit on manuscript length, but authors are encouraged to be concise.
Longer manuscripts may be subject to additional review.
4. Language: Manuscripts should be written in English using clear and concise language. Non-
native English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscripts proofread by a language
editor before submission.
Submission Process:
1. Online Submission: Authors should submit their manuscripts through the online submission
system on the IJAEA website.
2. Cover Letter: Include a cover letter with your submission, briefly explaining the significance of
your research and confirming that the manuscript has not been previously published.
3. File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. Figures
and tables should be included within the manuscript, preferably in the appropriate locations.
4. Abstract: Provide a structured abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the purpose,
methods, results, and conclusions of the study.
5. Keywords: Include a list of 3-5 keywords that accurately describe the content of the manuscript.
Peer Review Process:
1. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer review process conducted by experts in the field.
2. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript for originality, significance, methodology, presentation,
and adherence to ethical guidelines.
3. Authors will be notified of the editorial decision, along with any reviewer comments and
recommendations for revisions.
Publication Ethics:
1. Authors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical
2. Any conflicts of interest or funding sources should be disclosed in the manuscript.
3. Plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification of data are strictly prohibited and may result in rejection
of the manuscript.
Contact Information:
For inquiries or assistance regarding manuscript submission, please contact the editorial office at
Submission Deadline:
Notification of Acceptance:
Final Submission Deadline:
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